What To Know When Buying a New Home
Stress and home buying often go together because purchasing a house can be a 30-year commitment. Even if this isn’t your first home, there are some factors you may want to take into consideration before signing that new contract. Here are just three of the many things you should know when buying a new home.
1. Is the House Big Enough?
No matter how big or small your current family is, you should look into the future for at least five years to see if the house is big enough to fit your needs. Is there space for roommates? Will you add children? Do you want pets? Do you need office space? Although you may be considering your immediate needs, make sure you look into the future so that you won’t outgrow the house in the next year or two.
2. Is There a Community HOA?
HOAs have become popular in many Virginia housing tracks, which is both a good and bad thing. Although the association may keep errant homeowners in check, the groups can sometimes exceed their authority. To protect yourself, make sure you locate an HOA and condo attorneys Ashburn VA team. It is essential to have an available ally if the association places unwarranted restrictions on your home.
3. Does the House Have Good Bones?
The bedroom walls may be painted bright red, or the kitchen may have the wrong type of sink, but those are only cosmetic issues. Ask your inspector or a trusted contractor about the building’s bones. Although you can easily change paint, tiles, and faucets, fixing a sinking foundation or water-damaged walls is more complicated.
Buying a home can be the largest purchase you may make during your life. That is why it is important to know if the house has good bones and what the future holds before you commit. Also, don’t forget to see if there is an HOA. You can protect your future self when you answer the three questions above.